
Missions Month Begins This Week

For those of you who are part of King Street Church, this Sunday begins Missions Month, four weeks of focusing on the mission of the church in the world. We'll be studying 2Cor.4, with guest speaker Mike Leonzo joining us Oct.24 for what will be a very interesting look at multi-ethnic churches.

So what exactly is the mission of the church? In the video below, Kevin DeYoung, Ryan Kelly, and Greg Gilbert offer what I believe is a very helpful and thought-provoking discussion.

The Mission of the Church from Ben Peays on Vimeo.



Unknown said...

Great discussion. They really pain a picture that doing good deeds, being a good person is part of who a Christian is or should be, but it is not a Christian's "mission" to do or be those things. It is to introduce people to Christ Jesus. However, this is an academic discussion. I do not believe this group would suggest that the only thing a Christian should do is preach the Way. Given that being a good person and doing good deeds should be so much a part of who we are as Christians that it would be ever present in our mission efforts.

Kyle Bushre said...

Yes I think that's exactly where this group would put the importance of good works as they relate to the mission of the church. Jesus said the mission of the church is to make disciples, which means the re-creating of a human being in every way into the likeness of Jesus. As a person takes on the character of Jesus, mercy, compassion, and a love for justice will grow, and those Christians will engage in wonderful work. But the mission is always to make disciples.

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