
Some Observations on Pentecost

My reading and teaching is taking me deeply into the profound declarations and mysteries of the Spirit's infilling at Pentecost. Here are some of my obeservations from Acts 2:1-21. If these seem confusing, that's probably because I'm still working out my own understanding of the text and the ramifications of its meaning.

1. Pentecost is a visualization of the kind of whole-world vision the church is to have in its scope of outreach.

Pentecost is the reverse Babel. At Babel (Genesis 11) humans made a tower to reach God for human glory. At Pentecost, God declares his work of salvation to reach humans for God’s glory. At Babel, God confuses speech to divide a single nation. At Pentecost, God clarifies speech to unite disparate nations under one Gospel to build one holy nation. With the coming of the Holy Spirit, we begin to see the fulfillment of the promise to Abraham to bless all the nations of the world through him. So our vision for missions should match God's passion for all nations.

2. Peter is arguing that the sign of Pentecost is the inauguration of the last days that lead to the Day of the Lord.

We are in the time between the times. And in this epoch of human history, God does mighty things in the name of Jesus, through the power of his Spirit, working in his church. Which puts us in an already-but-not-yet situation. God’s Kingdom has come, is coming, and will come.

3. This church age is the promised time when God pours out his Holy Spirit on all his people. The Spirit gives utterance to his people to declare the Gospel. The Spirit gives visions and dreams, though their content is not explained here.

This is perhaps the observation that challenges me most. We live in a world where the Holy Spirit is active among all of his "sons and daughters." Every true follower of Jesus is indwelled with the Spirit and is led by the Spirit. They are empowered by the Spirit to do work that far exceeds any work humans can do on their own. So why do I choose so often to make decisions based on what I know I can do? Why doesn't the church take more risks and make more sacrifices? Why do I let my inadequacy determine my willingness to share the Gospel with another person?



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