
Paranoia: 2 Days to 26.2 miles

Even writing this post is adding to the paranoia.

I have a bad back. Normally it's fine, but about twice a year I'll be doing something really strenuous, like breathing or sitting, and all of the sudden my back will wrench itself in some horrible way, forcing me to lay flat for a couple of days. No joke. One time I was eating dinner with some friends. Mid-sentence I was raising my fork to my mouth and it threw my back out.

So since the beginning of this week I have been paranoid that I'll do something totally normal and injure myself before running this marathon. And then 18 weeks of vigorous training will culminate in nothing but a back injury incurred while sleeping (again, I'm not kidding, three weeks ago I tweaked my back while sleeping.)

So if you think of me over the next two days, ask God to protect me from myself until at least Sunday afternoon. Thankfully, I did not injure myself typing this post.



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