
Join Me for an In-Depth Study of Acts

This one's for my King Street pals. I am very excited to invite you to join me for a new class at King Street on Wednesday nights, 7:00pm, in M21/23. Starting Jan. 6 (a week from tomorrow) I will be leading a group on an expedition through the first 12 chapters of the book of Acts, a book known in antiquity as the Acts of the Apostles. The class is open to anyone who wants to attend.

Why Acts? Well, apart from my general desire to study the book myself, I believe there are central doctrines (teachings) in the book of Acts that need to be highlighted and cherished by the Church today. Some have been ignored (e.g. ecclesiology, the study of the church.) Some have been misunderstood (pneumatology, the study of the Holy Spirit.) Some cause great fear (e.g. missiology, the study of evangelism.) And some simply do not receive the kind of attention and care they should (e.g. soteriology, the study of salvation.) Acts takes us on a wild thrill ride through all of these doctrines!

But wait, there's more! By carefully considering these chapters verse by verse, the class will equip students with valuable Bible reading and study skills, which will strengthen their reading comprehension and their ability to handle any text of the Bible. Imagine a church filled with people who could be described like the Jewish Bereans in Acts 17 who diligently searched the Scriptures for themselves to see if Paul was telling the truth. What if all of King Street could handle the text with this sort of eagerness and skill?

So please do me two favors, King Streeters. First, join my class if you're able. Second, could you get the word out by sending people you know in the church links to this post? I'm so new I don't have the connections to get the word out, and it would be sweet to have a great turn-out. Thanks everyone.



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