
My Mobile Little Friend

My boy is on the move, with greater proficiency than ever. He has gone from rolling, to scooting, to crawling, to standing up on anything and everything he can wrap his fist around. As I write, he's pulling himself up to the couch to add his own special brand of keyboard-banging rhetoric to this blog post.

What's unfortunate is that this new found mobility has not come standard with a dose of new found caution. He'll pull himself up on anything, even if that thing has no way of supporting his efforts. Such items include the Christmas tree, lightweight stools, the drink cart in our dining room, and various plastic toys. He will pull until these items topple on him as he careens to the floor.

Just because you can treat something as sound and foundational doesn't mean it is. The careless abandon of Samuel somehow reminds me to read the Bible with care and make sure my thoughts of God are founded upon it.



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