
Missional Church

A number of people from the KSC community have approached me to find out what my plan is for outreach. I suppose since I serve as Pastor of Outreach, it's a pretty understandable assumption that I would, in fact, have a plan for how to do outreach.

However, the real fact of the matter is, I'm not sure.

Don't get me wrong. I have some ideas, some direction, and some knowledge of biblical concepts that is growing steadily as I study. But as I crest only the five month mark of my time here in Chambersburg, I am still almost fully in recon mode, attempting to learn my church, my community, and the values of my new culture. The last thing I want to do is announce a plan without being informed by the Holy Spirit and the wisdom of the community.

But if you're wondering generally how I envision church outreach, please watch the following video. I stumbled across it recently, and I believe the concept of missional church that it teaches is absolutely essential. If the church is to be faithful to biblical evangelism, the change this short video decribes must become reality.

I am not in any way saying that churches cannot have attractive buildings, compelling speakers, or extremely well-organized, quality worship services. KSC has all of these. The video is not arguing for getting rid of these items, but to use these items to equip and propel all of the church people into the community, to share the loving message of Jesus with friends and neighbors.

That is true outreach. That is what Jesus did. That is what he commands us to do.



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