
Not Meeting a Baseball Hero

Well, that was disappointing! Just disregard everything I said in the last post. Nothing will kill a golden opportunity quite like 2 feet of snow in 24 hours. I am now the proud owner of a sermon that can only be used specifically if ever I have the opportunity to preach following a speech by Tom Brookens. I'm sure that will come up again. That happens all the time, right? Tom, if you're reading this, I have the perfect sermon to follow up anything you have to say, anywhere, anytime. Just let me know.

Seriously, though, I have no doubt that God is sovereign and knows what he's doing. He has both a plan and a purpose for the plan. I learned a long time ago that the work to create sermons is worth it even if it only teaches me something. While I admit it's disappointing not to share with others (and meet Tom Brookens), I also have to admit that the study of God's Word in preparation changed my heart, dashed some idols, and caused me to become more like Jesus.

Soli Deo Gloria



Burly said...

It was God's judgment for posting a Fleer card rather than Topps. Seriously, though, that's disappointing.

Kyle Bushre said...

You're right. Obviously God endorses Topps. How did I miss this?

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